legal notice

Legal information

In compliance with the duty of information contained in article 10 of Law 34/2002, of 11 July, of Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce, we inform you that the content of the website and the YOURSTEP website (hereinafter jointly, the "Web") belongs to YOURSTEP S.L. (hereinafter, "YOURSTEP."), with registered office at Calle Villanueva 8 Bajo derecha (Madrid, Spain) and tax identification number: B-05293238. This legal notice also regulates the conditions of use of the Web.

2. User acceptance

Any person accessing the Website assumes the role of user (hereinafter, the "User"), undertaking to strictly observe and comply with the provisions set forth herein, as well as any other applicable legal provision. Therefore, the User is informed and accepts: (a) the acquisition of the condition of User and the acceptance of the conditions of use of the Website. In case of disagreement with these conditions, the User will refrain from using the Website; and (b) that access to the Website does not imply, in any way, the beginning of a business relationship with YOURSTEP. To contract services or products offered by YOURSTEP the user must use the channels provided for this purpose, which may require the acceptance of new legal conditions, purchase or privacy.

3. Contact YOURSTEP

To contact YOURSTEP, please contact the postal address mentioned in the heading or use the e-mail address: If enabled, the User can also fill in the specific contact forms that appear on the Web.

4. Content and use

The User undertakes to: (1) Visit the website responsibly and in accordance with current legislation, good faith, this Legal Notice and respecting the intellectual and industrial property rights owned by YOURSTEP. (2) Do not use the website for purposes that are or could be illegal, or perform any action that causes or may cause damage or alterations of any kind not consented by YOURSTEP, to the website or its contents. (3) Do not enter, store or disseminate on the Web, information or material that is defamatory, libelous, abusive, obscene, threatening, xenophobic, incites violence, discrimination on grounds of race, sex, ideology, religion or in any way violates morality, public order, fundamental rights, public freedoms, honour, privacy or image of others and in general the current regulations; (4) Properly safeguard any methods of access and passwords (eg. username and password) that are provided by YOURSTEP. As identifiers for access to the various services offered on the Web, agreeing not to transfer its use or allow access to them by third parties, assuming responsibility for any damages that may arise from improper use of them. (5) Notify YOURSTEP of any fact that allows the improper use of the access methods, such as theft, loss, or unauthorised access to them, in order to proceed to their immediate cancellation. Until such events are communicated, YOURSTEP will be exempt from any liability that may arise from the misuse of identifiers or passwords by unauthorised third parties. (6) Not to carry out advertising, promotional or commercial exploitation activities not authorised by YOURSTEP through the website. (7) Do not use false identities or impersonate others in the use of the Website or in the use of any of its services, including the use of passwords or access codes of third parties or in any other way. (8) Not to destroy, alter, use for use, disable or damage the data, information, programs or electronic documents of YOURSTEP or third parties.

5. Intellectual and industrial property policy

The Web, including (by way of example, but not limited to) programming, editing, compilation and other elements necessary for its operation, designs, logos, text and / or graphics are the property of YOURSTEP or if you have a license or express authorization from the authors. All the contents of the website are duly protected by intellectual and industrial property regulations, as well as registered in the corresponding public registers. Regardless of the purpose for which they were intended, the total or partial reproduction, use, exploitation, distribution and marketing (even quoting sources) of the contents is prohibited, unless prior written authorisation has been obtained from YOURSTEP. Any unauthorised use will be considered a serious breach of the author's intellectual or industrial property rights. YOURSTEP reserves the right to take appropriate judicial and extrajudicial action against the User. In the same way, YOURSTEP expressly prohibits the redirection by third parties to the specific contents of the website, and must in any case redirect to the main YOURSTEP website. To make any comments regarding possible breaches of the rights of intellectual or industrial property, as well as on any of the contents of the website, please contact

6. Liabilities and guarantees

- YOURSTEP ensures that the necessary technical precautions are taken in order to protect the data and information contained on the website, but cannot be held responsible for the actions of third parties who, violating the established security measures, access the aforementioned data or incidents arising from manipulated information, published or introduced by a third party outside the organisation

- YOURSTEP is not responsible for the inappropriate use of the website by other users in contravention of the terms of this Legal Notice.

- YOURSTEP is not responsible for the links present on the website that redirect to third party content due to the impossibility of ensuring their correctness at all times. Access to such external content is at the User's own risk. However, YOURSTEP declares that it will proceed to the immediate removal of any link to content that could contravene national or international legislation, morality or public order, so if you detect any abnormality, we ask you to notify us at

- YOURSTEP is not responsible for the information and content stored (including but not limited to) in forums, chats, blogs, comments, social networks or any other means that allows third parties to publish content independently on the Web. However, and in compliance with the provisions of art. 11 and 16 of the LSSI, YOURSTEP is available to all users, authorities and security forces, and actively collaborating in the removal or, where appropriate, blocking of all content that could affect or contravene national or international law, third party rights or morality and public order, therefore, if you detect any abnormality, we ask you to notify us at

YOURSTEP is not responsible for the accuracy of the information contained on the website as they have been prepared solely for information purposes unless otherwise expressly stated.

- YOURSTEP declares that it has adopted, within its possibilities and the state of technology, the necessary measures to ensure the correct functioning of the website and the absence of viruses and harmful components. However, YOURSTEP cannot be held responsible for the following situations, which are listed by way of example, but not limited to:
- The continuity and availability of the contents of the website.
- The absence of errors in said contents and the correction of any defects that may occur.
- The absence of viruses and/or other harmful components.
- The use of data of minors on the Web or the sending of their personal data without the permission of their guardians, being the guardians responsible for the use they make of the Internet.
- The introduction of erroneous data by the User or a third party.

Also, YOURSTEP may suspend temporarily and without notice, access to the Web for maintenance, repair, updating or improvement. However, whenever circumstances permit, YOURSTEP will communicate to the User, with sufficient notice, the planned date for the suspension of the contents. Finally, YOURSTEP declares that it does not identify itself with the opinions expressed by its collaborators or Users.

7. Reservation of the right to modify this legal notice

YOURSTEP reserves the right to make any modifications, suspensions, cancellations or restrictions it deems appropriate to the content of the legal notice and applicable policies without prior notice.

8. Integrity

In the event that one or more of the clauses of this Legal Notice should be invalidated as a result of a change in legislation or regulations or by a court decision, this shall in no way affect the validity or enforceability of the remaining clauses.

9. Applicable law and competent jurisdiction

If you have problems with products or services purchased or contracted online with YOURSTEP, we recommend that you contact our customer service at If the problem is not satisfactorily resolved by us, you can use this platform to file a complaint that will be resolved by an independent dispute resolution body. In all matters in which the applicable law and jurisdiction agreement is legally permitted, any dispute arising from or related to the use of the Website shall be governed by Spanish law and shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts and tribunals of Madrid.

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