YourStep is very easy to use!
As we are complementary to the software in use by your school, all uploaded content will be automatically updated in YourStep.
We also have a teacher support team on hand to help you at any time.
We know that it is difficult to understand the progress of individual pupils in the school in a detailed and qualitative way. We believe that there is a great deal of data on pupil progress that is collected in a very unstructured and methodical way.
So we have devised an innovative and different way of teaching each pupil's learning journey.
Platform that allows teachers to visualise their students' progress in a graphic and intuitive way. You will be able to:
To understand in detail the learning process of each student.
Filter students in your class by values such as motivation or risk of failing.
Obtain feedback
from students
Compare the average values of all your classes.
Our analysis of the learner is based on three main pillars three fundamental pillars:
We want to understand how the student is feeling during their learning. Teaching their levels of anxiety, motivation and much more.
We demonstrate the correlation between marks achieved, effort and time spent on an exam or subject.
Through data analysis we are able to detect both the percentage of a student's risk of failing and their rate of learning.
To enable them to concentrate on teaching
Through the detection and reinforcement of students at risk.
Assessing it with data-driven information
Positioning it in the rankings as an educational innovator
Comparisons with class averages, analytical conclusions, pedagogical suggestions...
Personalise it for your school with the help of YourStep!
To understand their children's progress on a monthly basis.
Comparisons with class averages, analytical conclusions, pedagogical suggestions...
As we are complementary to the software in use by your school, all uploaded content will be automatically updated in YourStep.
We also have a teacher support team on hand to help you at any time.